


Welcome to Adulting 201. Why 201 you ask? At some point over the last few years, my friends and family started to describe their awkward and embarrassing moments as a "Cambria moment." From spilling syrup on themselves at breakfast, to embarrassing date night stories, whenever my friends described these stories it was always through the lens of "I pulled a Cambria today."

Even as I found myself slipping deeper into the world of politics and community organizing, I still found myself plagued by "Cambria moments." I once delivered an impassioned speech on gender equality only to find out after that I was wearing mismatched shoes. A 5th grader broke the news to me.

Politics has always been a passion of mine. I ran for Class President in 5th grade and lost (damn the bureaucracy!), but I have had a Leslie Knope-level obsession with politics ever since. Our current political system is broken, but we are seeing hundreds of thousands of people getting involved in politics for the first time. That's pretty darn inspiring.

This site is for those millennials (or those young at heart!) who are still figuring out the balance between politics, personal life, and paying your bills.

About the Author

Cambria has been called a lot of things:

"A Real life Leslie Knope"

"Beautiful and magestic-like an eagle and a unicorn mixed in one"

"The voice of our generation"

Okay, that last one was a joke.

At the age of 24, Cambria moved to LA for her first big kid job. She frequently looks around the room for the nearest responsible adult and internally freaks out when she realizes it is supposed to be her. When she isn't blogging (or drowning her sorrows about the political structure in a bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream), Cambria daylights as a nonprofit community organizer. She keeps a picture of Leslie Knope at her desk for inspiration, and quotes Parks and Rec more than any human should on a daily basis. Cambria is still patiently waiting for her Hogwarts acceptance letter.