Questions to Ask at the End of an Interview to Impress Any Hiring Manager

If you’ve ever interviewed before, chances are it ended with one final question from the hiring manager, “Do you have any questions for me?”

Now, you’ve made it through the hard part of the interview, and the question may sound innocent enough, but don’t blow off this opportunity.

You see, as a hiring manager, I EXPECT people to ask me questions here. I have chosen not to hire someone simply because they didn’t have anything to ask at the end of the interview. Why you ask? Because, to me, that shows an utter lack of preparedness and interest in the company. I want to hire people who are curious, who ask questions, and who are continually striving for knowledge.

Now, that doesn’t mean that you should come up with a question where you already know the answer. Instead, specific questions can fuel conversation AND impress the hiring manager.

The added benefit? You can learn more about the company and see if it is a good fit for you. After all, you are interviewing the company as much as they are interviewing you.

Here are a few different examples of questions I have used during interviews, or that have been asked to me as a hiring manager.

  • General Questions

    • What is one thing you think someone should know about the culture of the organization before they join the team?

    • What would you expect a successful candidate to accomplish within the first 30 days in the role? What about the first 90?

    • What type of skills is the team missing that you are looking for a new hire to contribute?

    • How will performance be judged in this role?

  • Company Specific Questions / Ideas

    • Reference a recent news piece related to their field. Ask a question about how they are seeking to address challenges raised in the article

    • Reference a section of their website and ask a question about current strategies

    • For remote companies: Since you have a distributed workforce, how do you ensure all of the staff have the materials they need to be successful?

    • Where do you see the company going in the next 3-5 years?

    • How have you seen the company change over the last 2 years?

  • Work-Life Balance: Because of my background in working in high-stress jobs or with emotionally charged topics (human trafficking, etc.), I also have asked questions about work-life balance. This may not work for every interview setting, but it has led to a lot of great conversations as companies are incorporating more mental healths strategies in their work.

    • How do you promote work-life balance among your employees?

    • How do you decompress at the end of a stressful day?

  • If a Team Leader / Senior Manager is interviewing you

    • As this role will be reporting to you, what is your communication style, and how do you prefer to work with your direct reports?

    • What keeps you up at night in regards to the work you are doing at (insert company)?

So there you have it! Questions you can ask any hiring manager to impress them at the end of an interview. Do you have any other recommendations? Let me know in the comments!