How to Make the Perfect Charcuterie Board

Millennials are the lunchables generation, so it shouldn’t be surprising that we love charcuterie boards. A charcuterie board is the perfect excuse to live your best life of bread and cheese, while simultaneously impressing any guests with your hosting skills.

While charcuterie boards were initially used as a means of survival for the peasant class (maybe not that far off from being in your twenties actually…), they are now a perfect dish for entertaining and to impress all of your friends. So how do you assemble the perfect charcuterie board?

The Cheese

For me, the perfect charcuterie board centers on the cheese. I like every charcuterie board to have at least three different kinds of cheese

  • Creamy: Think Brie or Humboldt Fog, something that will spread nicely on crackers or bread

  • Hard: Chedder, Gruyère, Manchego

  • Funky: While this can be something more obvious like blue cheese, you can also get wilder. Recently we cheese which had been aged in a sage leaf, and cranberry cheese.

For discount items, check your local grocery store. Mine has an under $5 section where I can get multiple kinds of cheese at the perfect price!

The Meat

Add some variety here! Charcuterie is literally named after the process of making cured meat, so you can’t go wrong with salami. You can also make this section vegetarian by using alternatives like soyrizo or shredded jackfruit if you have vegetarian guests.

  • Prosciutto

  • Pepperoni

  • Salimi

  • Sopressata

  • Spice: Add some kick with a spicy meat like Chorizo

The Extras

This is where you really get to make the board your own!

  • Crackers and Bread

  • Preserves (we recently tried a raspberry pineapple one which was divine!)

  • Bean or veggie spreads

  • Dried fruit and nuts

  • Fresh veggies, hard-boiled eggs, or pickles

  • Olives

  • Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, and Apples

The best thing about a charcuterie board is that you get to fill it with all the things you like!.

Step it up at your next gathering by adding a charcuterie board and wine to the menu.

What is on your perfect charcuterie board? Let me know in the comments!