New Year's Resolutions for Adulting (SMART Goals)


Ah. There it is, New Year's Resolutions. The time of year where we all promise to be better next year, and then one week later find ourselves face down in an entire box of Krispy Kreme donuts, only to pause with a mouth-full of donut and ask, "What is my life?" Nope? Just Me?

I actually find something beautiful about the idea of New Year's Resolutions. With the coming of a New Year (#NewYearNewYou), and our darkest days behind us (literally our darkest days, fun fact, the longest night of the year is December 21st), we turn our attention to trying to create something better of ourselves. Whether it is bettering our mind, body, or soul, people around the world commit to making changes in their lives, and I find that beautiful. However, I am the first to say that a New Year's Resolution probably shouldn't be a drastic life-shift out of nowhere. While that works for some people, for many others it merely sets them up for failure and leads to a profound disappointment if they can't keep it up for more than a few weeks.

Therefore, as opposed to setting Resolutions beyond my limits, I choose to challenge myself to pursue specific and measurable GOALS. One of the things we talk about in my work is SMART Goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-Bound). THAT is how I am choosing my Resolutions this year. If you can't tell, I am just a little Type A.



Below is my list of New Year's Resolutions for Adulting, with my personal SMART Goal Spin. Let's face it, after the craziness that was 2016, many of us can use a new start.

Exercise: Find one that works for you

Ah yes, the Resolution of exercise, it was so obvious I needed to write it first. I have heard many a gym buff complain about the sudden influx of "resolution-ers" who occupy the best treadmills and ellipticals at the gym throughout the month of January before the numbers gradually fade off. However, that doesn't make this Resolution any less important. If you are in your mid-twenties and still haven't found an exercise routine that works for you, make that your goal this year. Whether it is running, rock climbing, or yoga, there is a workout that works for everyone, and for every fitness level.


I will go on a run at LEAST 1 time per week. Any additional times I run during the week are bonus, and do not roll over to the next week. The counter resets on Sunday.

Let me be clear, I am NOT a runner. I once filmed an entire video about how I believe that running is a Ponzi Scheme designed by a sadistic individual to bring people into their cult of pain.



That being said, my significant other has been encouraging game to go on runs with him a few times a month. While I do feel like death during the run, I love the idea of being able to take off at any time, do the exercise with no physical equipment, and the endorphin boost is certainly a plus.

Mental Self-Care

Despite a growing amount of scientific research demonstrating that millennials are struggling with high rates of depression and anxiety, mental self-care is often the first thing to go out the window during a busy week. I see it in my friends, and I see it in myself, that when things get busy, many times we push ourselves to our limit at the expense of self-care.  Doing this in the long-run not only impacts one's mental well-being, but also, extended stress can have a toxic impact on your physical health.

SMART Goal: Attend meditation classes two times a week

Why two times a week you ask? Three months ago I got a membership at a meditation studio near my apartment which allows me 8 classes a month. I adore the studio, as it gives me a quiet and safe place to meditate outside of my normal apartment confines (with Netflix and a warm pile of blankets). Further, it requires me to take a mental break from my phone. One of the ideas reiterated in the class is, "You cannot go back and change the past, you cannot take action on the future, all you can do is exist in this room, in this moment." Having that biweekly reminder has been tremendous in fighting anxious thoughts, and I want to continue to grow in that in the new year. For those who do not have a meditation studio near you, Headspace is a good option.

Stay Informed

If the past few years of politics have taught us anything, it is about the danger of being both uninformed and misinformed. We live in an increasingly globalized society, which not only connects us to people around the world, but also delivers a constant and instantaneous news source. This is a beautiful idea, but also comes with a lot of responsibility to make sure you are educating yourselves about different issues about which you are passionate.

SMART Goal: Read the news every day from a variety (3+) of different sources

For anyone who wants to listen to their news as opposed to read it, I recommend Left, Right, and Center for a weekly update. This podcast was my lifeline during the election cycle and offers a variety of perspectives on the week's political events while still engaging in respectful dialogue.

Be Able to Cook an Adult Meal

So many of the "Things to Learn in Your 20s" lists include this, but it is on there for a reason. While I am absolutely not above eating pasta 4 times a week with store-bought marinara sauce, it is great to have some "from scratch" recipes in your back pocket. Whether it is to TREAT YO SELF to fine cuisine one night (after all you deserve it), whip up something special for date night, or just to add to your repertoire, adding "adult meals" to your archive is a great way to start the year

SMART Goal: Learn 5 new dishes

Feed Your Brain

When I was a kid I was an avid reader. I used to devour books on a weekly basis. Then, when I started having to read content-dense textbooks during college, I moved away from reading for pleasure. When I finally did have time for reading after class, the abyss of Netflix was too tempting. However, I still firmly believe that not only can books transport you to fantasy worlds, but they can provide critical insights for the future. Whether it is social commentary through a historical text, or merely a window into someone's life very different from your own, books provide that gateway.

SMART Goal: Read 20 books this year

Take a Professional Development Course

You are never too old to better yourself. Have you always dreamed of taking a foreign language class? Of becoming proficient in coding, delivering top-tier stories, or being a social media master? There are endless amounts of Professional Development Classes out there waiting for you to sign up. We all have a tendency to think "I'll do that later" when it comes to professional development, but the best possible thing you can do is invest in yourself.

SMART Goal: Take a class at Writing Pad

I ADORE Writing Pad. In fact, this blog launched out of a Blogging 101 class from Writing Pad. However, there is an incredible array of other classes including Storytelling, Screenwriting, Personal Essay and more. I am looking forward to talking multiple sessions from Writing Pad in the New Year.

What are your Resolutions this year?