
Gifts that Give Back: 2020 Ethical Holiday Gift Guide

Gifts that Give Back: 2020 Ethical Holiday Gift Guide

Want to make your holiday shopping matter this year? Check out the annual Adulting 201 Ethical Holiday Gift Guide, highlighting 21 companies that give back to the community with every purchase. Whether you have someone on your list who loves rescue animals, drinks fair-trade coffee, or someone who loves hiking off the grid, this list has something for everyone.

Imperfect Foods Review: How Eating Ugly Produce Changed My Life

Imperfect Foods Review: How Eating Ugly Produce Changed My Life

Have you jumped on the imperfect foods train? When COVID-19 hit LA, my partner and I decided to try out Imperfect Foods, a way to shop for products that can’t be sold in the grocery store due to imperfections. The best part? It is less expensive than our local grocery stores, pays farmers for their work, AND reduces food waste. Read on to learn about my experience with Imperfect Foods, and why you should join the ugly produce movement.

The KonMari Method for the Tech Age: Digital Spring Cleaning

The KonMari Method for the Tech Age: Digital Spring Cleaning

When I hear the words spring cleaning, I imagine cleaning out my kitchen pantry, scrubbing the floor, and giving away old clothes that no longer serve me. I have talked in the past on the benefits of the KonMari Method of decluttering, but what if you could apply the KonMari method to your digital self? I am talking about a digital spring cleaning! Here’s how to do it.

How to Spend 1 Day in Washington DC

How to Spend 1 Day in Washington DC

There are endless things to do in DC: You don’t want to miss seeing the art at the Smithsonian, touring the monuments, or going to the Air and Space Museum. But what other things you should do in DC? I previously “studied abroad” in Washington, DC, but this summer I was fortunate enough to go back and visit the city on an east coast road trip. Given that we would only be in DC for 36 hours, I knew I wanted to show my partner a different side of Capitol Hill. Here is what I recommend.

5 Apps Millennials Need to Download Immediately

5 Apps Millennials Need to Download Immediately

If you are anything like me, your cell phone is probably perpetually glued to your hand (perhaps you are even reading this on yours!) .I am here to tell you that your cell phone can be used for so much more than scrolling, like saving for retirement, donating to charity, renting books, and more. Check out my list of the 5 Apps Millennials Need to Download Immediately. Don't miss out on the best your phone as to offer you. #2 changed my life!

What Will Millennials Ruin Next?

What Will Millennials Ruin Next?

Nearly every week there is a new piece of clickbait about all the different things which have been ruined by millennials. It seems my generation is quite the problem child, shunning responsibility for a life of whimsical entitlement. Here are 8 different industries that millennials have been accused of ruining.

I Only Used Lush Products on my Face for 1 Month. Here's What Happened.

I Only Used Lush Products on my Face for 1 Month. Here's What Happened.

Ever since I was a kid I was plagued with bad acne. I tried everything to get rid of it! So what happened when I switched to using only LUSH products for one month.