Lazy Girl Hairstyles: How to Update Your Look in 20 Seconds

Life in Quarantine has been….shall I say…bland. Yes, my partner and I have a great time cooking and baking, watching Netflix, and reading, but I have no idea what day it is. Every day seamlessly blends into the next. The only way I know the day is if my phone loudly bares a reminder of a meeting I have inevitably forgotten.

Quarantine shouldn’t be too much of a change for me. You see, I have been working from home for over a year and a half. I did my entire Master’s Degree remotely. Working from home should be a piece of cake because I rarely went outside anyway.

Previously, my social life consisted of going out with my partner and friends after they got off their big kid jobs at 6 PM. Therefore, I would spend the day in pajamas up until the 20 minutes before I ran out the door to meet them.

However, now that we have been quarantined for over a month, there is no meeting up with friends for happy hour at a local bar. The most I have seen of other humans are my Postmates Driver running away after dropping off my delivery or clusters of humans during a single trip to CVS and Bevmo.

Needless to say, fashion and styling my hair hasn’t been a priority in quarantine.

However, this past week of quarantine boredom I began playing with new hairstyles. With a seemingly endless ocean of time, I could curl my hair, do a fantastic up-do, or try the newest styling sensation, but the reality is that this would cut into my daily Netflix quota.

Instead, I came up with 4 ways to update your look in 20 seconds that are sure to make your partner say, “Did you do something different with your hair?” and “OOOOOO that looks nice.”

Change Your Part


It may seem like a minor change, but you would be surprised how many people find changing their part to make a big difference in their look. If you have super fine hair like me (but with the sheer amount of fluff of a baby Golden Retriever in summer), changing your part can add a ton of volume. Want to add more volume? Channel your inner 80s diva and and (gently) backcomb to really plump up your part.

Add a Headband


I am a huge fan of adding headbands. I started doing so after finding Headbands of Hope, an awesome company that I spotlighted here. An accessory that benefits children’s hospitals? Count me in! I have so many different headbands from Headbands of Hope, but for this look, I decided to bring out my inner Coachella wannabe. So what if I have never been to Coachella? You definitely can’t tell when I rock this glitter headband which makes me feel like I should be doing the Charleston in a stunning flapper dress as opposed to laying down in sweatpants. Adding in accessories is a fun way to update your hair in the shortest amount of time.

Wear a Scarf with Your Hair Down


Speaking of accessories……recently I received a silk scarf and I have been having the time of my life styling my hair with it. That may sound sarcastic, but I am not kidding. I keep walking around the apartment and saying “Look at my scarf!” which I am sure is cute the first 2 times, but not the 97th. For one simple look, flip your hair upside down and tie the scarf in a simple knot around your head. Flip your hair back for some instant volume, and use the scarf as a headband. Extra points for a brightly colored scarf which pops against your hair. Instant Bohemian style.

Wear a Scarf Around Your Ponytail

Don’t worry, if one scarf look wasn’t enough, I have a second one! Tie your hair in a simple ponytail and add a scarf around the base.

There you have it, ways to refresh your look in 20 seconds! What are your go-to lazy hairstyle ideas?